What Price Integrity

Just recently I found myself in the position of having been accused of being paid to say something nice about someone. Now, I’m no stranger to being insulted. After being a police officer for more than three decades I can honestly say that I’ve been insulted a few times. In fact, I remember a time…

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Defining You

As happens all too often in my household, my son asked me a question that forced me to carefully think through my beliefs and values before offering an answer. I have to think carefully because I know, for sure and certain, he’s already trying to form that next question so if I’m not as specific…

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The Worth of Your Values

Not long ago I was sitting in my favorite local cigar shop when (somehow) the conversation of prostitution came up. The group discussing the topic was a mix of men and women ages mid-thirties through mid-fifties. In general the outlooks toward prostitution ranged from, “I don’t know how anyone can perform sex acts for money,”…

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Life vs. The Classroom

Let me start out by saying that I have the utmost respect for teachers. And then I’ll qualify that statement further: I have the utmost respect for teachers who care about their students and are doing their best to provide a life-worthy education. In my mind that’s different than providing an education that simply meets…

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