Something a lot of my friends have heard me repeatedly say is, “We don’t stop playing because we get old; we get old because we stop playing.” While I still believe that is, to some extent, true, I’ve also observed enough behavior from a few friends to believe that some people simply decide it’s their time to be “old.” Now, understand, by “old” I don’t mean decrepit, etc. but simply no longer in their prime, grandparently, or whatever. Let me share two examples to help me explain what I mean.
Example one: A woman I know is (as I write this) 56 years old. I’ve known here since she was in her teens, and she’s always been one of those people you’d call “young at heart.” Even after she got married, had kids, and did all the “grown up” things people do, she enjoyed life as much as she could. She minimized the stress in her life by leveraging her off time as much as she could for simply fun. She made a habit of finding the humor in everything she could and laughing at the silliness of stress some people embraced. She understood the idea behind the serenity prayer and…
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The remainder of this essay can be found in the book “Farther Down The Road”
Farther Down the Road – Where does your life’s road lead?