What is it with people and bucket lists? I mean, I get it. Sure. You make this list of things you want to do before you die. You make a list of experiences you want to have, places you want to go, etc. I get it. But here’s my question: When do you actually start doing those things? At what point does your “bucket list” become your “to do list” for the week, month or year?  What is everyone waiting for that they have this bucket list? It seems odd to me that some folks feel they have to wait until they are “old enough” to start checking items off their bucket list. Other folks apparently reach a point where they feel they are “too old” to pursue some items on their bucket list. This dichotomy confuses me. Just think about it: You’re creating a list of things to do when you get the chance and then you’re too old to do everything on the list. WTF? I’d like to take a look at both ends of this if you’ll bear with me. Let’s start on the “young” end and consider this whole bucket list thing. Typically, many items on any bucket list require a few dollars to experience.  Travel is a very common item. I’m included in that. Sure, I’d love to see Greece, Italy, Ireland, Scotland, England and more. I’d love to visit Australia. But that travel has to wait until I have the time and the dollars to afford such. That’s one of those things that, I think, people in their 20s and 30s know they want to do and put it on their bucket list because… – – – – – – – – – The remainder of this essay can be found in the book “Farther Down The Road” Farther Down the Road – Where does your life’s road lead?

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