We ALL have dreams.  Some of them are big dreams: a bigger house, to be married, to have a dozen grandchildren, etc.  Some of them are smaller dreams: a better (newer?) car, to date someone we like, to get that promotion, etc.  Most of us recognize that “dreams” are also goals – and we can work toward our goals.  One of the biggest challenges we face in making our dreams come true is realizing that WE have the power to make them come true.  We simply have to figure out the necessary steps to work toward the desired end result and then start accomplishing the steps.  It’s really that simple when you think about it and, if you can realize that, then it’s easy to see why your dreams will never come true unless YOU work for them.  YOU have to work toward making them reality.


Now, while it’s easy to write that and it may be easy to realize that, I’m all too aware that actually accomplishing the mission of making a dream come true sometimes isn’t all that easy.  In spite of our motivation; in spite of our hard work; in spite of all of our spent energy and effort, sometimes our dreams still seem unattainable.  It seems as if no matter what we do we still aren’t quite reaching the goal we’re shooting for; we’re somehow still not making that particular dream come true.

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This entry is part of the book “A Fork In The Road; Navigating Your Path of Life with Motivation.” To read the complete entry and enjoy all of the other similar works, please purchase the book on Amazon.com by following this link: http://amzn.to/2j0T4D0

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