Things to Remember

When you’re a child, everything you have to remember is about how to get through the day. Parents get you up and tell you what to wear. You know you have to brush your teeth, go to school, when to be home and all the rest. If you forget something, it’s far from the end of the world. But when you grow into adulthood there are other things to remember that help you manage life as a whole. Sometimes it feels like you’re just trying to get through each day, but in reality that feeling is about managing stress and not letting circumstance overwhelm you. There are a few “lessons of life” that can help you get through those days and I wanted to review a few of them here.

Everything can and will change. Change is the only constant of life. I have to admit: I’m not that guy who easily and happily adapts when things don’t go as planned. I like schedules. I like things to happen on time and as planned. But if there was one thing my military service (and children) taught me, it’s that few things go as planned. Decades on the street as a police officer taught me that things will go sideways when least expected and often at the most inopportune time possible. The military also taught me that when this happens it’s best to improvise; adapt to the change and overcome the presented challenge. If we recognize that change is inevitable, and actually a blessing in the long run, then it becomes less stressful to deal with when it happens. Keeping that in mind, as things change, rather than stress the change, embrace and welcome it. Celebrate the new circumstance and see the blessings the change brought.

Your survival rate for bad days is …

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The remainder of this essay can be found in the book “Farther Down The Road”

Farther Down the Road – Where does your life’s road lead?


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