In Harmony and In Balance

In almost every culture, on every continent, in every language and throughout history you can find references to trilogies. I don’t mean the three-book novel stories that have become so prevalent in today’s entertainment world. I am referring to more meaningful trilogies such as…
  • Body, Spirit, Mind
  • Fitness, Spirituality, Academics
  • Father, Son, Holy Spirit
No, this isn’t an article about religion. I have long considered myself spiritual rather than religious. What I’ve observed is that many religions have rules and structure that are aimed at controlling behavior, albeit all for the best (unless the religion is warped into fanaticism). Differing from that, spirituality is a personal focus on improving one’s inner being; on being a better person; on adding to the positive energy of karma in your life and those around you. Being positive and having such an impact on those around you requires you to be at peace with yourself. Such a peace depends on the balance you create and where your values level out. – – – – – – – – – The remainder of this essay can be found in the book “Farther Down The Road” Farther Down the Road – Where does your life’s road lead?

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