Life’s Most Necessary Skill

Yes, I admit to “baiting” with the title. I was hoping it would make people wonder, “What might that be?” or “What does this guy Borelli think it is?”  My answer: Overcoming adversity. Out of the thousands of skills we need to learn (and hopefully master) throughout our lives, the ability to successfully cope with and overcome adversity is the single most important skill we can master.  I KNOW there are plenty of people thinking, “But what about…?” and putting in a different life’s skill.  I won’t argue you with you because there may be other life skills that you as an individual feel are more important.  To me – because of the quirks of my personality, knowledge and life’s experience – overcoming adversity is the single most important life skill a person needs to master. Using some contemporary events, let me expound a little bit on why.

I don’t think anyone would argue this: there’s no such thing as a life without adversity.  For as wonderful a thing as life is, there is simply no way to go from birth to grave without facing a challenge; something that slows you down in attaining your goals; something that throws up a roadblock to your progress; something that makes you question your goals, motivations, commitment and more.  There is something in every person’s life that has a negative impact …

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This entry is part of the book “A Fork In The Road; Navigating Your Path of Life with Motivation.” To read the complete entry and enjoy all of the other similar works, please purchase the book on by following this link:

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